[Este mensaje es para ti o tus hijas de 18 a 30 años que hablan inglés. Es un taller GRATIS de motivación, enseñanza y diversión para que sean la mejor versión de si mismas y consigan el trabajo de sus sueños].

Estimada amiga,

I am inviting all Latinas ages 18 to 30 years old so you have a day that is all about empowering you to become the best version of yourself that God created you to be! We are “Dream Managers” and with my pals we are putting together an incredible day to help you land that dream job. I am always looking for talent for my clients in healthcare and other businesses but I realized that many of you can benefit from coaching, resume writing, learning how to communicate effectively, dress to impress and have a network of older Latinas (I still look great at my 40s) and we want to leverage our experience and networking to help you!

When: Wednesday, May 7th, 2014. From 5 pm to 9 pm

Where: At our new Center for Healthy Lives (Centro de Vidas Sanas) in Oak Cliff (inside the building for the Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce)

1001 N Bishop Ave,
Dallas, TX 75208

Cost: Gratis, free, zero, nada, zilch…

So call me to RSVP your seat at 972-399-9393 today as space is limited!


Latina Career Coaching and Empowerment Event